Money Managment: It's in My Blood ~ Never Spend a Dime

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Money Managment: It's in My Blood

honestly, I don't know why money matters are so difficult for me to get a grasp on. Not only was my Grandmother able to make lemonade out of the seeds of a lemon (and yes, I exaggerate purposely to make my point that this woman MAXIMIZED her dollars to the utmost), but my Mother was, and still is, able to the do the same thing.

You see, I come from a great lineage. Women who had to learn to take the dollars they were given and raise a family -- quite well, I might add. My family history is filled with women who were incredibly resiliant and outperformed for what they were given an opportunity to work with. My Grandmother had two sisters, both of whom were taken from the farm to be college educated. My Grandmother had to stay behind to keep the farm in order, but she never, never complained about it and if you ask me, she had the best life of them all -- she had me and my cousins as grandchildren! Ha!

I'm going to have to figure out how to apply their consistency and determination to my own financial matters. I have so much more to work with then either my Grandmother or Mother were ever given to work with. Even though I was raised in a two parent family (and yes, my Father was wonderful, too -- he just didn't handle the money in our house), I make more, and have for years, then my parents made together and they raised me, and my siblings, in a wonderful, middle class environment. We not only had the things we needed, for the most part, we had a lot of the things we wanted.

From this day forward, following the footsteps of great examples, I'm going to commit to doing something different. What, for sure? I don't know yet, but by golly, what I've been doing has not been working. I am in DEBT and they never were. My journey begins now!

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