Debt is not cute ~ Never Spend a Dime

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Debt is not cute

It's only been recently that I've asked myself how did I get into this mess. The question is, really, why didn't I ask that question years ago. Although I'd like to think the luxury cars, designer clothes and leather couch was a necessity, the reality is my grandmother would not have thought these things were relevant or important or cute. Debt is not cute.

Using a gold, platinum or whatever color credit card when you aren't sure it's going to go through, or when the credit card company takes that priviledge away (over the limit fees, late fees, you-can't-use-it-any-more-fees), it's time to realize that debt is not cute.

I hope this is something that motivates me to get out of debt; I'm tired of being ugyly.

1 comment:

Nay said...

I just love reading your insight. My grandmother was very special to me and influenced me in many ways.

Great blog, and great getting on the debt free wagon.